
Mitek Engineering Details
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Roof Truss Repair Details Floor Truss Repair Details Bracing Details Gable End Details Trimmable End Details Valley Details Miscellaneous Details Piggyback Details Output Described DetailsGUIDELINES FOR TIMBER ROOF TRUSSES The Roof Trusses you are about to install have been manufactured to engineering standards. Contact MiTek Engineering Support for any questions. Some of these standard details may be sealed upon request. View the following detail guides.

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To ensure that the trusses perform as designed it is essential that they be handled, erected and braced correctly. Engineering Services Our engineers lead the industry in credibility, accuracy and efficiency.To find out more about MiTek’s products & systems, call your local state office or visit our web site: VIC (03) 8795 8888 NSW (02) 8525 8000 QLD (07) 3268 1666 SA (08) 8234 1326 WA (08) 6218 5945 NZ (09) 274 7109 MALAYSIA (603) 3176 7473Mitek Truss Details Pdf Free Download BOOKS Mitek Truss Details PDF Books this is the book you are looking for, from the many other titlesof Mitek Truss Details PDF books, here is alsoavailable other sources of this Manual MetcalUser Guide Technical Bulletin Corrosion Pretion - MiTek The roof trusses you are about to install have been manufactured to engineering standards. Machinery MiTek’s machinery leads the building component manufacturing industry. The future of framing is here. How many products are in the mitek usp catalogMiTek Pamir Software PAMIR is the industry leading roof truss, Posi-Joist & panel design software.

Details for commercial, industrial and non standard domestic buildings, are to be provided by an Engineer responsible for the overall building design.Trusses should be inspected on arrival at site. The following recommendations apply to roof trusses on standard domestic buildings where truss design details are obtained from MiTek engineering programs. The following information is an abbreviated set of instructions designed to assist with on site work and is not intended to replace the need to reference AS4440-2004.

Mitek Engineering Details Free Air Circulation

When lifting, care must be taken to avoid damaging of joints and timber. Trusses when stored on the job site should be on timber fillets clear off the ground and in a flat position to avoid distortion. Protective covering, where used, should allow free air circulation around trusses. Repeated wetting and drying has a detrimental effect on the strength of both timber and connection. Once trusses are installed they should not be left exposed to weather for long periods. Where it is anticipated that trusses will be stored on site for an extended period of time before use, adequate provision should be made to protect trusses against the effects of weather.

In general, sling truss from top chord panel points as shown below. The recommended method of lifting trusses will depend on a number of factors, including truss length and shape. Ensure that the trusses are not distorted or allowed to sag between supports. The trusses may also be placed on the top plates by pulling them up on skids, spread at 3000 mm, taking the same precaution as described above. Never lift by the apex joint only.

Advice should be sought from the truss fabricator prior to commencing construction. Require special consideration. Additional loading such as Solar Units, Hot Water Tanks, Air Conditioning, etc. Some typical examples are shown below.Trusses are designed for normal roof, ceiling and wind loads to suit specific jobs and conditions. The angle between sling legs should be 60° or less and where truss spans are greater than 9000 mm a spreader bar or strongback should be used.

Where it is necessary to use internal walls for load bearing, these will be clearly shown on layouts. Trusses are generally designed to be supported on the outer wall with inner walls being non load bearing. Ensure that you have correctly advised the truss fabricator with regard to wind load requirements and that adequate provision has been made to fix trusses to the support structure to withstand wind uplift forces. Wind load is an important factor in the design and performance of roof trusses. Refer AS1684 “Residential Timber-Framed Conctruction” for details.

Trusses are designed to be part of a structural system, which includes battens/purlins, bracing, binders, fascias and the connection of these components. Final confirmation of details by the fabricator with the builder is recommended prior to manufacture. For environments where the atmosphere may be conducive to corrosion, such as some types of industrial and agricultural buildings, or buildings near the ocean and subject to salt spray, consideration should be given to the use of G8S stainless steel connector plates.It is the Builder’s responsibility to ensure that all relevant information required for design is provided to the fabricator at time of ordering trusses, including spans, pitches, profiles, quantities and loadings. If non standard trusses are being used, ensure that erection and bracing details are known before erection commences.

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Trusses are designed for specific loading, geometry and support conditions. This document may be obtained from the HIA or your truss supplier. The Housing Industry Association (HIA) has published a document called ‘Safe Working Method Statement No.10’ which has been found satisfactory for this purpose and suitable for many job sites. The procedures should be discussed with all sub-contractors and employees on site and the agreed methods documented. It is the builder’s responsibility to consider these conditions when determining the procedures to be adopted in lifting and fixing roof components.

If trusses have been designed for timber fascias, do not replace with steel fascia without asking your truss supplier to check the overhang design.Approx 1/2 to 1/3 of truss length Spreader barStrongback tied to each intersecting web of chordApprox 1/2 to 1/3 of truss length Strongback tied to top chord at aaprox. Trusses should not be used or stored where they are subjected to repeated wetting and drying as this has a detrimental effect on the strength of both timber and connections. Make sure all bracing is permanently fixed and all bolts and brackets are tightened prior to the loading of the roof.

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Girder trusses may require the strengthening of studs at the points of support. If trusses are not located directly over studs the top plate size must be in accordance with AS1684. Consult AS1684 or your truss fabricator. Hip truss/rafterThe load bearing frames should be checked for: 1.Fix at crossing with minimum of 1 TRIP-L-GRIP (typical)Lintel sizes suitable for truss loading. Refer to the Wall Frame Construction Notes.

T ShapedPlace 75 x 25mm bracing on top chord between and parallel to saddle trusses where spacing exceeds roof batten centres.The frame must be fully braced, plumb, and nailed home before the erection of trusses is commenced.It is convenient to mark the truss position on the wall plates before lifting trusses. The supporting structure construction must be adequate to resist wind up-lift forces.Top plate strengthening may be required where trusses do not coincide with studs.NOTE: End gable truss to be located over end wall unless otherwise advised by supplier. Points circled on the layout notes are critical.

This can cause damage to the web and lead to serious injury.Gable Roofs – start with a gable truss at each end, fixing it to the top plate at the position marked. WARNING – Do not use web as ladder to climb up or down the roof during installation.

mitek engineering details